Command and Conquer Level Level Name: GDI Mission 16 Created By: Dan Heath (Pope Innocent IV, Release Date: 20th January, 1996 Completion Time: Not much, except for spending about two days trying to figure out the $#@#%& team defs. Map information: Ripped off a multiplayer level map. Player: GDI Difficulty: Rather. Filename: File contents: savegame.001, gdi16.ini, gdi16.txt Software used: cc-scen and tools by Andrew Griffin, ccmap Tested on Command and Conquer v1.18 (English version) Format of this file: Ripped off from SOYA (Tiberium Nightmare creator). Mission Description ------------------- This level is meant to be played after the last mission on the GDI disk. Cain may have had a pile of rubble fall on his head in an exciting full motion video clip, but NOD isn't gone just yet... Level Description ----------------- Load the mission and check out the "Restate" button... it will tell you what is happening. You don't have to kill all the SAM sites to get air strikes, you just have to blow up the enemy communication center, which is, conveniently enough, somewhat exposed. Don't ask me why, must've been interference from secret hidden rays or something that caused them to put it on that hill out there... Usage ----- Copy savegame.001 into your C&C directory. Yes, this will overwrite your current savegame.001, so don't be a twit and wipe out an important game. Load that savegame to play. Note that you won't be able to restart the mission normally, since we aren't actually replacing the mission in the general.mix file, so if you want to try again, you'll have to go to Load Game instead of Abort and Restart. Other Information ----------------- I know it's a bit cheesy to use a pre-made map, but I was having enough trouble figuring out the team defs. I'll fix the map up next time. If you like this level, let me know, I will probably work on some more of them. Thanks to the creators of cc-edit, mixman, and ccmap! You gentlemen are true public servants and will no doubt reap immense karmic benefits from your efforts. Thanks also to SOYA, who helped me out with a bit of info at a critical moment in the production of this level. Relevant deities speed your efforts, -Dan Heath (Pope Innocent IV)